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Finding JIT Optimizer Bugs using SMT Solvers and Fuzzing

In this blog post I want to describe a recent bug finding technique that I've added to the PyPy JIT testing infrastructure. This technique uses the Z3 theorem prover to find bugs in the optimizer of PyPy's JIT, in particular its integer operation optimizations. The approach is based on things I have learned from John Regehr's blog (this post is a good first one to read), Twitter, and on his (et al) paper Alive2: Bounded Translation Validation for LLVM. The work was triggered by a recent miscompilation bug my current bachelor student Nico Rittinghaus found.

Background: Python Integers in the PyPy JIT

The optimizer of PyPy's JITs operates on traces, which are linear sequences of instructions with guards. The instructions in the traces operate on different machine-level data types, machine integers, doubles, pointers, bools, etc. In this post we'll be mostly concerned with machine integers.

To given some wider context I'll explain a bit how Python ints in the user code relate to the types that are used in traces when the PyPy Python implementation is used. When PyPy turns a regular Python 3 function into a trace, there is a lot of work happening in the JIT frontend to try to observe and infer the types that the Python function concretely uses at runtime. The traces are generated under these typing assumptions. Therefore, code that uses ints in the Python code can typically be translated into traces that operate on machine integers. In order to make sure that the Python integer semantics are upheld, many of the operations in the traces need to check that the integer results of some operations still fit into a machine integer. If that is not the case (a rare situation for most programs), the trace is left via a guard, execution falls back to the interpreter, and there a big integer representation is chosen for the too big value (the big integer representation is done via a pointer and some storage on the heap).

All of this machinery is not going to be too relevant for the rest of the post. For the post it's important to know that trace instructions operate on machine integers and other low-level types, and some of the operations can optionally check whether the results still fit into a machine integer. These trace operations are improved by the optimizer, which tries to transform the trace into one that behaves the same, but is less costly to execute.

Background: Bounds Analysis in PyPy's JIT

The optimizer of PyPy's JIT has an analysis based on abstract interpretation that tries to find out whether the integer values stored in a variable are actually not using the full 64 bit (or 32 bit) range, but instead fit into some smaller range. This means that for every integer variable x in a trace, the JIT compiler tracks upper and lower bounds of the runtime value of that variable: a range [a, b] such that for every concrete runtime value v that gets stored in variable x, a <= v <= b must be true. a and b start out as the most general MININT and MAXINT, but sometimes there is extra information that makes it possible to improve these known bounds, and that is often useful to optimize the code.

A typical example is that the JIT knows that the length of a string is non-negative, so for this kind of code: x = len(s) where s is a string, x gets a range [0, MAXINT] assigned. With this information we could for example remove a check x + 10 < 0 completely, because it can never be true.

The bounds information is useful for optimization, but the analysis of the bounds is also a source of bugs in the JIT, because the reasoning is often subtle and easy to get wrong in corner cases. We already use a number of testing techniques to try to make sure that it is correct. A simple one is property-based testing using Hypothesis on the operations on bounds. Even though Hypothesis is fantastic, it unfortunately does not catch absolutely all the bugs even if we'd like it too, as we'll see in the next section.

Motivation: A JIT Miscompilation

I am currently supervising a Bachelor thesis by Nico Rittinghaus, who is extending the integer analysis in the JIT. He'll probably write a separate blog post about that soon. In the process of his work, the current bounds analysis code got a lot of scrutiny, and we found out that one of the unit tests of the bounds analysis was actually incorrect, and the example code in that unit test was optimized incorrectly. This case of incorrect optimization is not a big deal for regular Python code, because it involved a "wrapping integer addition operation", i.e. one where overflowing results just wrap around to negative values. All the additions and other arithmetic operations that the PyPy Python frontend generates actually have overflow checks (to be able to switch to a big integer representation if needed). However, it's still possible to trigger the problem with the __pypy__.intop.int_add API which is a function that exposes wraparound arithmetic on Python ints.

Here's the miscompilation. The JIT optimizes the following function:

import __pypy__

def wrong(x):
    a = __pypy__.intop.int_add(x, 10)
    if a < 15:
        if x < 6:
            return 0
        return 1
    return 2

Into the following code:

import __pypy__

def wrong(x):
    a = __pypy__.intop.int_add(x, 10)
    if a < 15:
        return 0
    return 2

Basically the faulty reasoning of the JIT looks like this: if int_add(x, 10) < 15 then it must follow that x < 5, which is stronger than x < 6, so the second if is always true. This sounds good, but is actually wrong if the addition + 10 wrapped around. So if x == MAXINT, then int_add(x, 10) == MININT + 9 < 15. But MAXINT < 5 is not correct.

Note how the same reasoning with overflow-checking addition is correct! If x + 10 < 15 and the + didn't overflow, then indeed x < 6. And if your mind bends starting to think about all this, you understand some of the difficulty of getting the JIT correct in this area.

How could we have avoided this bug?

One exercise I try to do after finding bugs is to reflect on ways that the bug could have been avoided. I think this is particularly important in the JIT, where bugs are potentially really annoying to find and can cause very strange behaviour in basically arbitrary Python code.

It's easy to always answer this question with "try to think more carefully when working", but that approach cannot be relied on in complicated situations, because humans don't concentrate perfectly for long stretches of time.

A situation-specific problem I identified was the bad design of the range analysis API. A range is not just represented by two numbers, instead it's two numbers and two bools that are supposed to represent that some operation did or did not underflow/overflow. The meaning of these bools was quite hard to grasp and easy to get wrong, so probably they should never have been introduced in the first place (and my bugfix indeed removed them).

But in the rest of this blog post I want to talk about another, systematic approach that can be applied to the problem of mis-optimizations of integer operations, and that is done by applying an SMT solver to the problem.

An SMT solver (Satisfyability Modulo Theories) is a tool that can be used to find out whether mathematical formulas are "satisfiable", i.e. whether some chosen set of inputs exists that will make the formulas evaluate to true. SMT solvers are commonly used in a wide range of CS applications including program correctness proofs, program synthesis, etc. The most widely known one is probably Z3 by Microsoft Research which has the nice advantage of coming with an easy-to-use Python binding.

Going into this I basically knew next to nothing about SMT solvers (despite having been embedded in a formal methods research group for years!) so it was an interesting new world to learn about.

As briefly mentioned in the introduction, the approach I took followed a similar (but much more properly executed) one applied to LLVM operations, called Alive2. Krister Waldfridsson has done similar work for GCC recently, described on his blog.

Z3 Proof of Concept

The first thing I did was to try to get Z3 find the above bug, by encoding the input program into an SMT formula by hand and trying to get Z3 to prove the condition that the JIT thinks is always true. The Z3 code for this looks as follows:

from z3 import BitVec, Implies, prove
x = BitVec('x', 64)
a = x + 10
cond1 = a < 15
cond2 = x < 6
prove(Implies(cond1, cond2))

Here, x is defined to be a bit vector variable of width 64, which is a datatype that can be used to represent bounded machine integers. Addition on bit vectors performs wraparound arithmetic, like the __pypy__.intop.int_add call in the original code. The JIT optimized the second condition away, so essentially it was convinced that the first condition implies the second one. The above snippet tries to get Z3 to confirm this.

When run, the above program prints:

[x = 9223372036854775803]

Which shows the bug. As a small side-note, I thought it was cool that the process of "proving" something in Z3 basically means trying to find an example for the negation of the formula. If no counterexample can be found for the negation, the original formula is true. If the original formula turns out to be false (like here) we get a nice example that shows the problem to go with it.

It's not realistic to hand-translate all the hundreds of unit-tests into Z3 formulas and then ask Z3 to prove the optimizations. Instead, we want to have a program that does this for us.

SMT Checking of the JIT Optimizer

What we want from this program is the following: given an unoptimized trace and its optimized version, we want to use Z3 to check whether the optimized trace behaves identically to the unoptimized one. One question is what "behaves identically" means. What we care about is the outputs of the trace being the same values, no matter how they are computed. Also, for every guard we want to make sure that it fails in identical ways in the optimized and unoptimized versions. A guard is only allowed to be optimized away if it can never fail. The code that comes after a guard can assume that the guard has not failed, because otherwise execution would have left the trace. All of this should be true regardless for the values of the input variables of the trace.

So in order to check that the two traces are behaving identically, we do the following:

  • We create Z3 variables for every input variable. We use the same input variables both for the unoptimized as well as the optimized trace.

  • We align the two traces at the corresponding guards. Thankfully the optimizer keeps track of which optimized guard corresponds to which unoptimized input guard.

  • All the operations before a guard are translated into Z3 formulas, for both versions of the trace.

  • For two corresponding guards, we ask Z3 to prove that the guard conditions are identical.

  • For a guard that was optimized away we ask Z3 to prove that the condition is always true.

  • After a guard, we tell Z3 that from now on it can assume that the guard condition is true.

  • We repeat this, guard for guard, until we reach the end of the trace. There, we ask Z3 to prove that the output variables in the unoptimized trace and the optimized trace are identical (every trace can return one or many values).

I implemented this, it's not a lot of code, basically a couple of hundred lines of (somewhat hacky) Python code. So far I only support integer operations. Here are some parts of the code to give you a flavor of what this looks like.

This is the code that translates operations into Z3 formulas:

def add_to_solver(self, ops, state):
    for op in ops:
        if op.type != 'v': # is it an operation with a result
            res = self.newvar(op)
        else: # or does it return void
            res = None

       # ...

        # convert arguments
        if op.numargs() == 1:
            arg0 = self.convertarg(op, 0)
        elif op.numargs() == 2:
            arg0 = self.convertarg(op, 0)
            arg1 = self.convertarg(op, 1)

        # compute results
        if opname == "int_add":
            expr = arg0 + arg1
        elif opname == "int_sub":
            expr = arg0 - arg1
        elif opname == "int_mul":
            expr = arg0 * arg1
        elif opname == "int_and":
            expr = arg0 & arg1
        elif opname == "int_or":
            expr = arg0 | arg1
        elif opname == "int_xor":
            expr = arg0 ^ arg1

        # ...  more operations, some shown below

        self.solver.add(res == expr)

New Z3 variables are defined by the helper function newvar, which adds the operation to a dictionary box_to_z3 mapping boxes (=variables) to Z3 variables. Due to the SSA property that traces have, a variable must be defined before its first use.

Here's what newvar looks like (LONG_BIT is a constant that is either 64 or 32, depending on the target architecture):

def newvar(self, box, repr=None):
    # ... some logic around making the string representation
    # somewhat nicer omitted
    result = z3.BitVec(repr, LONG_BIT)
    self.box_to_z3[box] = result
    return result

The convert method turns an operation argument (either a constant or a variable) into a Z3 formula (either a constant bit vector or an already defined Z3 variable). convertarg is a helper function that takes an operation, reads its nth argument and converts it.

def convert(self, box):
    if isinstance(box, ConstInt):
        return z3.BitVecVal(box.getint(), LONG_BIT)
    return self.box_to_z3[box]

def convertarg(self, box, arg):
    return self.convert(box.getarg(arg))

The lookup of variables in box_to_z3 that convert does cannot fail, because the variable must have been defined before use.

Comparisons return the bit vector 0 or bit vector 1, we use a helper function cond to turn the Z3 truth value of the comparison into a bit vector:

def cond(self, z3expr):
    return z3.If(z3expr, TRUEBV, FALSEBV)

def add_to_solver(self, ops, state):
        # ... start as above

        # more cases
        elif opname == "int_eq":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 == arg1)
        elif opname == "int_ne":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 != arg1)
        elif opname == "int_lt":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 < arg1)
        elif opname == "int_le":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 <= arg1)
        elif opname == "int_gt":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 > arg1)
        elif opname == "int_ge":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 >= arg1)
        elif opname == "int_is_true":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 != FALSEBV)
        elif opname == "uint_lt":
            expr = self.cond(z3.ULT(arg0, arg1))
        elif opname == "uint_le":
            expr = self.cond(z3.ULE(arg0, arg1))
        elif opname == "uint_gt":
            expr = self.cond(z3.UGT(arg0, arg1))
        elif opname == "uint_ge":
            expr = self.cond(z3.UGE(arg0, arg1))
        elif opname == "int_is_zero":
            expr = self.cond(arg0 == FALSEBV)

        # ... rest as above

So basically for every trace operation that operates on integers I had to give a translation into Z3 formulas, which is mostly straightforward.

Guard operations get converted into a Z3 boolean by their own helper function, which looks like this:

def guard_to_condition(self, guard, state):
    opname = guard.getopname()
    if opname == "guard_true":
        return self.convertarg(guard, 0) == TRUEBV
    elif opname == "guard_false":
        return self.convertarg(guard, 0) == FALSEBV
    elif opname == "guard_value":
        return self.convertarg(guard, 0) == self.convertarg(guard, 1)

    # ... some more exist, shown below

Some operations are a bit trickier. An important example in the context of this blog post are integer operations that check for overflow. The overflow operations return a result, but also a boolean whether the operation overflowed or not.

def add_to_solver(self, ops, state):

        # ... more cases

        elif opname == "int_add_ovf":
            expr = arg0 + arg1
            m = z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg0) + z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg1)
            state.no_ovf = m == z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, expr)
        elif opname == "int_sub_ovf":
            expr = arg0 - arg1
            m = z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg0) - z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg1)
            state.no_ovf = m == z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, expr)
        elif opname == "int_mul_ovf":
            expr = arg0 * arg1
            m = z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg0) * z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg1)
            state.no_ovf = m == z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, expr)

        # ...

The boolean is computed by comparing the result of the bit vector operation with the result of converting the input bit vectors into an abstract (arbitrary precision) integer and the result back to bit vectors. Let's go through the addition case step by step, the other cases work analogously.

The addition in the first elif that computes expr is an addition on bit vectors, therefore it is performing wraparound arithmetic. z3.SignExt(LONG_BIT, arg0) sign-extends arg0 from a bit vector of LONG_BIT bits to an abstract, arbitrary precision integer. The addition in the second line is therefore an addition between abstract integers, so it will never overflow and just compute the correct result as an integer.

The condition to check for overflow is now: if the results of the two different ways to do the addition are the same, then overflow did not occur. So in order to compute state.no_ovf in the addition case the code converts the result of the bit vector wraparound addition to an abstract integer (using SignExt again), and then compares that to the integer result.

This boolean can then be checked by the guard operations guard_no_overflow and guard_overflow.

def guard_to_condition(self, guard, state):

    # ... more cases

    elif opname == "guard_no_overflow":
        assert state.no_ovf is not None
        return state.no_ovf
    elif opname == "guard_overflow":
        assert state.no_ovf is not None
        return z3.Not(state.no_ovf)

    # ... more cases

Finding the Bug, Again

Let's actually make all of this more concrete by applying it to the trace of our original bug. The input trace and the incorrectly optimized trace for that look like this (differences highlighted):

# input                       # optimized
[i0]                          [i0]
i1 = int_add(i0, 10)          i1 = int_add(i0, 10)
i2 = int_lt(i1, 15)           i2 = int_lt(i1, 15)
guard_true(i2)                guard_true(i2)
i3 = int_lt(i0, 6)            jump(0)

Note that the trace represents just one of the paths through the control flow graph of the original function, which is typical for tracing JITs (the other paths could incrementally get added later).

The first guards in both these traces correspond to each other, so the first chunks to check are the first three operations (lines 1-4). Those operations don't get changed by the optimizer at all.

These two identical traces get translated to the following Z3 formulas:

i1unoptimized == input_i0 + 10
i2unoptimized == If(i1unoptimized < 15, 1, 0)
i1optimized == input_i0 + 10
i2optimized == If(i1optimized < 15, 1, 0)

To check that the two corresponding guards are the same, the solver is asked to prove that (i2unoptimized == 1) == (i2optimized == 1). This is correct, because the formulas for i2unoptimized and i2optimized are completely identical.

After checking that the guards behave the same, we add the knowledge to the solver that the guards passed. So the Z3 formulas become:

i1unoptimized == input_i0 + 10
i2unoptimized == If(i1unoptimized < 15, 1, 0)
i1optimized == input_i0 + 10
i2optimized == If(i1optimized < 15, 1, 0)
i1optimized == 1
i2optimized == 1

Now we continue with the remaining operations of the two traces (lines 6-8).

We start by adding the int_lt operation in the unoptimized trace to the Z3 formulas:

i3unoptimized == If(input_i0 < 6, 1, 0)

Because the second guard was optimized away, we need to ask Z3 to prove that ``i3unoptimized == `` is always true, which fails and gives the following counterexample:

input_i0 = 9223372036854775800
i1unoptimized = 9223372036854775810
i2unoptimized = 0
i1optimized = 9223372036854775810
i2optimized = 1
i3unoptimized = 0

Thus demonstrating the bug. The fact that the Z3-based equivalence check also managed to find the original motivating bug without manually translating it to a formula is a good confirmation that the approach works.

Second bug

So with this code I applied the Z3-based equivalence check to all our optimizer unit tests. In addition to the bug we've been discussing the whole post, it also found another buggy test! I had found it too by hand by staring at all the tests in the process of writing all the Z3 infrastructure, but it was still a good confirmation that the process worked. This bug was in the range analysis for int_neg, integer negation. It failed to account that -MININT == MININT and therefore did a mis-optimization along the following lines:

import __pypy__

def wrong(x):
    a = __pypy__.intop.int_sub(0, x)
    if a < 0:
        if x > 0:
            return 0
        return 1
    return 2

Which was wrongly optimized into:

import __pypy__

def wrong(x):
    a = __pypy__.intop.int_sub(0, x)
    if a < 0:
        return 0
    return 2

This is wrong precisely for x == MININT.

Generating Random Traces

These two bugs were the only two that the Z3 checker found for existing unit tests. To try to find some more bugs I combined PyPy's existing random trace generator with the Z3 optimization checker. The random trace generator has so far been mostly used to find bugs in the machine code backends, particularly also in the register allocator. So far we haven't used it with our optimizer, but my experiments show that we should have!

I'm going to describe a little bit how the random trace generator works. It's actually not that complicated, but there's one neat trick to it.

The basic idea is straightforward, it starts out with an empty trace with a random number of input variables. Then it adds some number of operations to the trace, either regular operations or guards. Every operation takes already existing variables as input.

The neat trick is that our random trace generator keeps a concrete random example value for every one of the input variables, and an example result for every operation. In this way, it is possible to generate guards that are consistent with the example values to ensure that running the trace to its end is possible with at least one set of values.

Here's an example random trace that is generated, together with the random example inputs and the results of every operation at the end of every line:

[i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5] # example values: 9, 11, -8, -95, 46, 57
i6 = int_add_ovf(i3, i0) # -86
i7 = int_sub(i2, -35/ci) # 27
i8 = uint_ge(i3, i5) # 1
i9 = int_lt(i7, i8) # 0
i10 = int_mul_ovf(34/ci, i7) # 918
i11 = int_and(i10, 63/ci) # 22
i12 = int_rshift(i3, i11) # -1
i13 = int_is_zero(i7) # 0
i14 = int_is_true(i13) # 0
i15 = int_lt(i8, i4) # 1
i16 = int_and(i6, i0) # 8
i17 = uint_ge(i6, -6/ci) # 0

Note how every guard generated is true for the example values.

I have been running this combination of random trace generation and Z3 checking for many nights and it has found some bugs, which I'll describe in the next section. It should probably be run for a lot longer, but still a useful exercise already.

In this mode, I'm giving every Z3 call a time limit to make sure that the random tests don't just take arbitrarily long. This means that asking Z3 to prove something can have three outcomes, either it's proved, or Z3 finds a counterexample, or Z3 times out.

Bugs Found

In addition to the two bugs I've already described, I'll briefly list the additional bugs that were found by optimizing random traces and then trying to prove the equivalence with Z3.

Most of the bugs were actually identified by optimizing random traces alone, not by the Z3 component. They manifested as assert failures in the JIT compiler.

  • The JIT concluded after 12 == int_mul(x, 12) that x == 1, which is incorrect if overflow occurred (a counterexample is 0x8000000000000001).

  • An amusing bug, where from 0 == int_lshift(0x1000000000000000, x) with x <= 0 <= 15, the JIT concluded that 0x1000000000000000 == 0, triggering an assert. This wrong conclusion was again caused by not taking the possibility of overflow into account.

  • A corner case in an optimization for chained integer additions with a constant, where in complex enough expressions, the wrong IR API was used (which works correctly in simple cases). Again, this triggered an assert.

This shows that we should have been fuzzing our JIT optimizer already (not a surprising observation in hindsight, fuzz all the things!).

Thankfully, there was also one further bug that really failed in the Z3 verifier. It's a bug in common subexpression elimination / arithmetic simplification, which again does not take overflow correctly into account.

The buggy trace looks like this (unfortunately it's not easily possible to show this bug in Python code).

[a, b]
c = int_add(a, b)
r = int_sub_ovf(c, b)

This was optimized to:

[a, b]

Which is incorrect, because the guard can fail given the right inputs. But the optimizer concluded that the subtraction is safe, because its the inverse of an earlier addition, not taking into account that this earlier addition can have overflowed.

Note that a related optimization is actually correct. Given this code:

[a, b]
c = int_add_ovf(a, b)
r = int_sub(c, b)

It can be optimized to:

[a, b]
c = int_add_ovf(a, b)

Future Work and Conclusion

In the current form the Z3 checker is only a start, even though it has already been concretely useful. There are various directions into which we could extend it. In addition to generate random tests completely from scratch, we could also start from the existing manually written unit-tests and randomly mutate those.

I also want to extend the Z3 checker with support more operations, heap operations in particular (but it's not quite clear to me how to model garbage collection).

I also want to try to switch the code away from the Z3 API and use the more general smtlib interface directly, in order to be able to use other SMT checkers than Z3, eg CVC4.

But all in all this was a fun and not too hard way to find a bunch of bugs in our optimizer! And the infrastructure is now in place, which means that we run some random test cases every time we execute our tests. This is going to be particularly useful when we do further work on the integer reasoning of the JIT (like Nico is doing, for example). As of time of writing of this post, all the bugs mentioned have been fixed and the Z3 code has landed on the default branch and runs as part of PyPy's CI infrastructure.


Thanks to Saam Barati, Max Bernstein, Joshua Schmidt and Martin Berger, for great feedback on drafts of this post!

Allocation Removal in the Toy Optimizer

One of the workhorse optimization of RPython's tracing JIT is allocation removal, which removes short-lived object allocation from traces. Many Python programs create a lot of objects that only live for a short time, and whose lifespan is fully predictable (common examples are integer and float boxes, but also tuples, frames, intermediate string results, etc). Allocation removal will try (and very often succeed) to remove these allocations from traces. In this blog post I want to show a toy version of how allocation removal is implemented.

In the previous blog post of this series I showed the complete code for writing a toy one-pass optimizer that does constant folding, common subexpression elimination and strength reduction. In this second post, I want to use allocation removal as a more advanced optimization pass. The basic optimization framework is the same, we will use the same datastructures for intermediate representation and also keep using the same union find data structure to store equivalences between IR operations. Here's the infrastructure code from the last post:

import pytest
import re
from typing import Optional, Any

class Value:
    def find(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("abstract")

    def _set_forwarded(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError("abstract")

class Operation(Value):
    def __init__(
        self, name: str, args: list[Value]
    ): = name
        self.args = args
        self.forwarded = None = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"Operation({}, "
            f"{self.args}, {self.forwarded}, "

    def find(self) -> Value:
        op = self
        while isinstance(op, Operation):
            next = op.forwarded
            if next is None:
                return op
            op = next
        return op

    def arg(self, index):
        return self.args[index].find()

    def make_equal_to(self, value: Value):

    def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
        self.forwarded = value

class Constant(Value):
    def __init__(self, value: Any):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Constant({self.value})"

    def find(self):
        return self

    def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
        assert (
            isinstance(value, Constant)
            and value.value == self.value

class Block(list):
    def opbuilder(opname):
        def wraparg(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, Value):
                arg = Constant(arg)
            return arg
        def build(self, *args):
            # construct an Operation, wrap the
            # arguments in Constants if necessary
            op = Operation(opname,
                [wraparg(arg) for arg in args])
            # add it to self, the basic block
            return op
        return build

    # a bunch of operations we support
    add = opbuilder("add")
    mul = opbuilder("mul")
    getarg = opbuilder("getarg")
    dummy = opbuilder("dummy")
    lshift = opbuilder("lshift")
    # some new one for this post
    alloc = opbuilder("alloc")
    load = opbuilder("load")
    store = opbuilder("store")
    print = opbuilder("print")

def bb_to_str(bb: Block, varprefix: str = "var"):
    def arg_to_str(arg: Value):
        if isinstance(arg, Constant):
            return str(arg.value)
            return varnames[arg]

    varnames = {}
    res = []
    for index, op in enumerate(bb):
        var = f"{varprefix}{index}"
        varnames[op] = var
        arguments = ", ".join(
                for i in range(len(op.args))
        strop = f"{var} = {}({arguments})"
    return "\n".join(res)

There are two changes to the code from the last post: Operation instances have a new .info field, which is set to None by default. We will learn how the info field is used a bit further down. Also, we define some new operations.


In this post we will mainly concern ourselves with optimizing programs that allocate memory. We assume that our language is garbage collected and memory safe. The new operations that we will optimize are alloc (allocates some new object), store (stores a value into a fixed field of an object), load (loads the value from a field in the object).

We are leaving out a lot of details of a "real" system here, usually an alloc operation would get some extra information, for example the type of the freshly allocated object or at least its size. load and store would typically have some kind of field offset and maybe some information about the field's type

Here's a simple program that uses these operations:

var0 = getarg(0)
obj0 = alloc()
store(obj0, 0, var0)
var1 = load(obj0, 0)

The code allocates a new object obj0, stores var0 into field 0 of the object, the loads the same field and prints the result of the load.

Before we get started in writing the optimizer for these operations, let's try to understand the semantics of the new operations a bit better. To do this, we can sketch a small interpreter for basic blocks, supporting only getarg, alloc, store, load, print:

def test_interpret():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj = bb.alloc()
    sto =, 0, var0)
    var1 = bb.load(obj, 0)
    assert interpret(bb, 17) == 17

class Object:
    def __init__(self):
        self.contents: dict[int, Any] = {}

    def store(self, idx : int, value : Any):
        self.contents[idx] = value

    def load(self, idx : int):
        return self.contents[idx]

def get_num(op, index=1):
    assert isinstance(op.arg(index), Constant)
    return op.arg(index).value

def interpret(bb : Block, *args : tuple[Any]):
    def argval(op, i):
        arg = op.arg(i)
        if isinstance(arg, Constant):
            return arg.value
            assert isinstance(arg, Operation)

    for index, op in enumerate(bb):
        if == "getarg":
            res = args[get_num(op, 0)]
        elif == "alloc":
            res = Object()
        elif == "load":
            fieldnum = get_num(op)
            res = argval(op, 0).load(fieldnum)
        elif == "store":
            obj = argval(op, 0)
            fieldnum = get_num(op)
            fieldvalue = argval(op, 2)
  , fieldvalue)
            # no result, only side effect
        elif == "print":
            res = argval(op, 0)
            return res
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"{} not supported") = res

The interpreter walks the operations of a block, executing each one in turn. It uses the info field to store the result of each already executed Operation. In this interpreter sketch we stop at the first print that we execute and return its argument for the simple but bad reason that it makes test_interpret easier to write.

Objects in the interpreter are represented using a class Object, which stores the object's field into a Python dictionary. As written above, this is a simplification, in a real system the alloc operation might for example take some kind of type as an argument, that describes which kinds of fields an object has and how they are laid out in memory, which would allow more efficient storage of the content. But we don't want to care about this level of detail in the post, so using a dict in the interpreter is good enough.

Version 1: Naive Attempt

In many programs, some allocated objects don't live for very long and have a completely predictable lifetime. They get allocated, used for a while, and then there is no way to reference them any more, so the garbage collector will reclaim them. The very first example block had such an allocation:

var0 = getarg(0)
obj0 = alloc()
store(obj0, 0, var0)
var1 = load(obj0, 0)

Here obj0 is written to, then read from, and then it's no longer used. We want to optimize such programs to remove this alloc operation. The optimized version of this program would look like this:

var0 = getarg(0)

The alloc, store and load operations have been completely removed. This is a pretty important optimizations for PyPy's JIT: Allocations, memory reads and writes are quite costly and occur a lot in Python, so getting rid of as many of them as possible is instrumental for performance.

Implementing the optimization is not a lot of code! However, understanding all the corner cases of the optimization and making sure that the resulting program behave correctly is not completely trivial. Therefore we will develop the optimization step by step, in a test driven fashion: I will start each section with a new test that shows a bug in the version of the optimization that we have so far.

Let's start in a really naive way. Here's the first test we would like to pass, using the example program above:

def test_remove_unused_allocation():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj = bb.alloc()
    sto =, 0, var0)
    var1 = bb.load(obj, 0)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    # the virtual object looks like this:
    #  obj
    # ┌──────────┐
    # │ 0: var0  │
    # └──────────┘
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = print(optvar0)"""

We will define a class VirtualObject that is basically identical to Object above. But it will not be used by the interpreter, instead we will use it during optimization.

class VirtualObject:
    def __init__(self):
        self.contents: dict[int, Value] = {}

    def store(self, idx, value):
        self.contents[idx] = value

    def load(self, idx):
        return self.contents[idx]

The structure of the optimizer is going to be like those in the first blog post. The optimizer makes a single pass over all operations. It removes some and emits others.

This first version of the allocation removal optimizer is going to be extremely optimistic. It simply assumes that all the allocations in the program can be optimized away. That is not realistic in practice. We will have to refine this approach later, but it's a good way to start. That means whenever the optimizer sees an alloc operation, it removes it and creates a VirtualObject object which stores the information that is known during optimization about the result of the alloc. Like in the interpreter, the VirtualObject is stored in the .info field of the Operation instance that represents the alloc.

When the optimizer sees a store operation, it will also remove it and instead execute the store by calling the method. Here is one important difference between the interpreter and the optimizer: In the interpreter, the values that were stored into an Object (and thus put into the object's .contents dictionary) were runtime values, for example integers or other objects. In the optimizer however, the fields of the VirtualObject store Value instances, either Constant instances or Operation instances.

When the optimizer sees a load operation, it also removes it, and replaces the load with the Operation (or Constant) that is stored in the VirtualObject at that point:

def optimize_alloc_removal(bb):
    opt_bb = Block()
    for op in bb:
        if == "alloc":
   = VirtualObject()
        if == "load":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            field = get_num(op)
        if == "store":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            field = get_num(op)
  , op.arg(2))
    return opt_bb

This is the first version of the optimization. It doesn't handle all kinds of difficult cases, and we'll have to do something about its optimism. But, already in this minimalistic form, we can write a slightly more complicated test with two allocations, one object pointing to the other. It works correctly too, both allocations are removed:

def test_remove_two_allocations():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj0 = bb.alloc()
    sto1 =, 0, var0)
    obj1 = bb.alloc()
    sto2 =, 0, obj0)
    var1 = bb.load(obj1, 0)
    var2 = bb.load(var1, 0)
    # the virtual objects look like this:
    #  obj0
    # ┌──────┐
    # │ 0: ╷ │
    # └────┼─┘
    #      │
    #      ▼
    #     obj1
    #   ┌─────────┐
    #   │ 0: var0 │
    #   └─────────┘
    # therefore
    # var1 is the same as obj0
    # var2 is the same as var0
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = print(optvar0)"""

Version 2: Re-Materializing Allocations

To make it easier to talk about how the optimizer operates, let's introduce some terminology. As already seen by the choice of the class name VirtualObject, we will call an object virtual if the optimizer has optimized away the alloc operation that creates the object. Other objects are equivalently not virtual, for example those that have existed before we enter the current code block.

The first problem that we need to fix is the assumption that every allocation can be removed. So far we only looked at small programs where every allocation could be removed, or equivalently, where every object is virtual. A program that creates virtual objects, stores into and loads from them, and then forgets the objects. In this simple case removing the allocations is fine. As we saw in the previous section, it's also fine to have a virtual object reference another virtual, both allocations can be removed.

What are the cases were we can't remove an allocation? The first version of the optimizer simply assumed that every allocation can be removed. This can't work. We will replace this assumption with the following simple heuristic:

If a reference to a virtual object a is stored into an object b that is not virtual, then a will also stop being virtual. If an object a that was virtual stops being virtual, we say that it escapes. ¹

The simplest test case for this happening looks like this:

def test_materialize():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj = bb.alloc()
    sto =, 0, obj)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    #  obj is virtual, without any fields
    # ┌───────┐
    # │ empty │
    # └───────┘
    # then we store a reference to obj into
    # field 0 of var0. Since var0 is not virtual,
    # obj escapes, so we have to put it back
    # into the optimized basic block
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = alloc()
optvar2 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)"""
    # so far, fails like this:
    # the line:
    #, op.arg(2))
    # produces an AttributeError because info
    # is None

If the optimizer reaches a point where a virtual object escapes (like the store operation in the test), the optimizer has already removed the alloc operation that created the virtual object. If the object escapes, we don't want to go back in the operations list and re-insert the alloc operation, that sounds potentially very complicated. Instead, we re-insert the alloc operation that will recreate the virtual object at the point of escape using a helper function materialize.

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    assert not isinstance(value, Constant)
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    assert isinstance(info, VirtualObject)
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace

I've added a number of fairly strong assertions to materialize to encode our current assumptions about the situations in which it expects to be called. We will remove some of them later as we generalize the code.

Now that we have materialize we need to change optimize_alloc_removal to recognize the case of storing a virtual object into a non-virtual one. We can recognize Operation instances that produced a virtual object by looking at their .info field. If it is None, the object is not virtual, otherwise it is. If we store something into a virtual object, we leave the code as above. If we store a virtual object into an object that is not virtual, we will first materialize the virtual object, and then emit the store.

def optimize_alloc_removal(bb):
    opt_bb = Block()
    for op in bb:
        if == "alloc":
   = VirtualObject()
        if == "load":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            field = get_num(op)
        if == "store":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            if info: # virtual
                field = get_num(op)
      , op.arg(2))
            else: # not virtual
                # first materialize the
                # right hand side
                materialize(opt_bb, op.arg(2))
                # then emit the store via
                # the general path below
    return opt_bb

This is the general idea, and it is enough to pass test_materialize. But of course there are still a number of further problems that we now need to solve.

Version 3: Don't Materialize Twice

The first problem is the fact that after we materialize a virtual object, it is no longer virtual. So if it escapes a second time, it should not be materialized a second time. A test for that case could simply repeat the store operation:

def test_dont_materialize_twice():
    # obj is again an empty virtual object,
    # and we store it into var0 *twice*.
    # this should only materialize it once
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj = bb.alloc()
    sto0 =, 0, obj)
    sto1 =, 0, obj)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = alloc()
optvar2 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)
optvar3 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)"""
    # fails so far: the operations that we get
    # at the moment are:
    # optvar0 = getarg(0)
    # optvar1 = alloc()
    # optvar2 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)
    # optvar3 = alloc()
    # optvar4 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar3)
    # ie the object is materialized twice,
    # which is incorrect

We solve the problem by setting the .info field of an object that we materialize to None to mark it as no longer being virtual.

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    assert not isinstance(value, Constant)
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if info is None:
        return # already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace
    # but only once = None

# optimize_alloc_removal unchanged

This fixes the problem, only one alloc is created. This fix also allows another test case to pass, one where we store a non-virtual into another non-virtual, code which we cannot optimize at all:

def test_materialize_non_virtuals():
    # in this example we store a non-virtual var1
    # into another non-virtual var0
    # this should just lead to no optimization at
    # all
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.getarg(1)
    sto =, 0, var1)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)"""

Version 4: Materialization of Constants

Another straightforward extension is to support materializing constants. A constant is never virtual, so materializing it should do nothing.

def test_materialization_constants():
    # in this example we store the constant 17
    # into the non-virtual var0
    # again, this will not be optimized
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    sto =, 0, 17)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    # the previous line fails so far, triggering
    # the assert:
    # assert not isinstance(value, Constant)
    # in materialize
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = store(optvar0, 0, 17)"""

To implement that case, we check for value being a constant and return early:

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    if isinstance(value, Constant):
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if info is None:
        return # already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace
    # but only once = None

# optimize_alloc_removal unchanged

Version 5: Materializing Fields

Now we need to solve a more difficult problem. So far, the virtual objects that we have materialized have all been empty, meaning they didn't have any fields written to at the point of materialization. Let's write a test for this:

def test_materialize_fields():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.getarg(1)
    obj = bb.alloc()
    contents0 =, 0, 8)
    contents1 =, 1, var1)
    sto =, 0, obj)

    # the virtual obj looks like this
    #  obj
    # ┌──────┬──────────┐
    # │ 0: 8 │ 1: var1  │
    # └──────┴──────────┘
    # then it needs to be materialized
    # this is the first example where a virtual
    # object that we want to materialize has any
    # content and is not just an empty object
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = alloc()
optvar3 = store(optvar2, 0, 8)
optvar4 = store(optvar2, 1, optvar1)
optvar5 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar2)"""
    # fails so far! the operations we get
    # at the moment are:
    # optvar0 = getarg(0)
    # optvar1 = getarg(1)
    # optvar2 = alloc()
    # optvar3 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar2)
    # which is wrong, because the store operations
    # into optvar1 got lost

To fix this problem, we need to re-create a store operation for every element of the .contents dictionary of the virtual object we are materializing. ²

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    if isinstance(value, Constant):
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if info is None:
        return # already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace
    # put the content back
    for idx, val in info.contents.items():
        # re-create store operation, idx, val)
    # only materialize once = None

# optimize_alloc_removal unchanged

This is enough to pass the test.

Version 6: Recursive Materialization

In the above example, the fields of the virtual objects contained only constants or non-virtual objects. However, we could have a situation where a whole tree of virtual objects is built, and then the root of the tree escapes. This makes it necessary to escape the whole tree. Let's write a test for a small tree of two virtual objects:

def test_materialize_chained_objects():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    obj0 = bb.alloc()
    obj1 = bb.alloc()
    contents =, 0, obj1)
    const =, 0, 1337)
    sto =, 0, obj0)
    #  obj0
    # ┌──────┐
    # │ 0: ╷ │
    # └────┼─┘
    #      │
    #      ▼
    #     obj1
    #   ┌─────────┐
    #   │ 0: 1337 │
    #   └─────────┘
    # now obj0 escapes
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = alloc()
optvar2 = alloc()
optvar3 = store(optvar2, 0, 1337)
optvar4 = store(optvar1, 0, optvar2)
optvar5 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)"""
    # fails in an annoying way! the resulting
    # basic block is not in proper SSA form
    # so printing it fails. The optimized
    # block would look like this:
    # optvar0 = getarg(0)
    # optvar1 = alloc()
    # optvar3 = store(optvar1, 0, optvar2)
    # optvar4 = store(optvar0, 0, optvar1)
    # where optvar2 is an ``alloc`` Operation
    # that is not itself in the output block

To fix it, materialize needs to call itself recursively for all the field values of the virtual object:

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    if isinstance(value, Constant):
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if info is None:
        return # already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace
    # put the content back
    for idx, val in sorted(info.contents.items()):
        # materialize recursively
        materialize(opt_bb, val), idx, val)
    # only materialize once = None

# optimize_alloc_removal unchanged

Getting there, the materialization logic is almost done. We need to fix a subtle remaining problem though.

Version 7: Dealing with Object Cycles

The bug we need to fix in this section is a bit tricky, and does not immediately occur in a lot of programs. In fact, in PyPy a variant of it was hiding out in our optimizer until we found it much later (despite us being aware of the general problem and correctly dealing with it in other cases).

The problem is this: a virtual object can (directly or indirectly) point to itself, and we must carefully deal with that case to avoid infinite recursion in materialize. Here's the simplest test:

def test_object_graph_cycles():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.alloc()
    var2 =, 0, var1)
    var3 =, 1, var1)
    #   ┌────────┐
    #   ▼        │
    #  obj0      │
    # ┌──────┐   │
    # │ 0: ╷ │   │
    # └────┼─┘   │
    #      │     │
    #      └─────┘
    # obj0 points to itself, and then it is
    # escaped
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    # the previous line fails with an
    # InfiniteRecursionError
    # materialize calls itself, infinitely

    # what we want is instead this output:
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = alloc()
optvar2 = store(optvar1, 0, optvar1)
optvar3 = store(optvar0, 1, optvar1)"""

The fix is not a big change, but a little bit subtle nevertheless. We have to change the order in which things are done in materialize. Right after emitting the alloc, we set the .info to None, to mark the object as not virtual. Only afterwards do we re-create the stores and call materialize recursively. If a recursive call reaches the same object, it's already marked as non-virtual, so materialize won't recurse further:

def materialize(opt_bb, value: Operation) -> None:
    if isinstance(value, Constant):
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if info is None:
        return # already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    # put the alloc operation back into the trace
    # only materialize once = None
    # put the content back
    for idx, val in sorted(info.contents.items()):
        # materialize recursively
        materialize(opt_bb, val), idx, val)

Version 8: Loading from non-virtual objects

Now materialize is done. We need to go back to optimize_alloc_removal and improve it further. The last time we changed it, we added a case analysis to the code dealing with store, distinguishing between storing to a virtual and to a non-virtual object. We need to add an equivalent distinction to the load case, because right now loading from a non-virtual crashes.

def test_load_non_virtual():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.load(var0, 0)
    # the next line fails in the line
    # op.make_equal_to(info.load(field))
    # because info is None
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = load(optvar0, 0)
optvar2 = print(optvar1)"""

To fix it, we split the load code into two cases, leaving the virtual path as before, and letting the load from a non-virtual fall through to the general code at the end of the function.

def optimize_alloc_removal(bb):
    opt_bb = Block()
    for op in bb:
        if == "alloc":
   = VirtualObject()
        if == "load":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            if info: # virtual
                field = get_num(op)
            # otherwise not virtual, use the
            # general path below
        if == "store":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            if info: # virtual
                field = get_num(op)
      , op.arg(2))
            else: # not virtual
                # first materialize the
                # right hand side
                materialize(opt_bb, op.arg(2))
                # then emit the store via
                # the general path below
    return opt_bb

Version 9 (Final): Materialize on Other Operations

We're almost at the end now. There's one final generalization left to do. We started with the heuristic that storing a virtual into a non-virtual would escape it. This should be generalized. Every time we pass a virtual into any operation where it is not the first argument of a load and a store should also escape it (imagine passing the virtual to some function call). Let's test this as usual with our print operation:

def test_materialize_on_other_ops():
    # materialize not just on store
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.alloc()
    var2 = bb.print(var1)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = alloc()
optvar2 = print(optvar1)"""
    # again, the resulting basic block is not in
    # valid SSA form

To fix this, we will take the call to materialize out of the store code path and instead put it into the generic code path the end of the while loop:

# materialize is unchanged
def materialize(opt_bb, value: Value) -> None:
    if isinstance(value, Constant):
    assert isinstance(value, Operation)
    info =
    if not info:
        # Already materialized
    assert == "alloc"
    opt_bb.append(value) = None
    for idx, val in sorted(info.contents.items()):
        materialize(opt_bb, val), idx, val)

def optimize_alloc_removal(bb):
    opt_bb = Block()
    for op in bb:
        if == "alloc":
   = VirtualObject()
        if == "load":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            if info: # virtual
                field = get_num(op)
        if == "store":
            info = op.arg(0).info
            if info: # virtual
                field = get_num(op)
      , op.arg(2))
        # materialize all the arguments of
        # operations that are put into the
        # output basic block
        for arg in op.args:
            materialize(opt_bb, arg.find())
    return opt_bb

That's it, we're done. It's not a lot of code, but actually quite a powerful optimization. In addition to removing allocations for objects that are only used briefly and in predictable ways, it also has another effect. If an object is allocated, used in a number of operations and then escapes further down in the block, the operations in between can often be optimized away. This is demonstrated by the next test (which already passes):

def test_sink_allocations():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.alloc()
    var2 =, 0, 123)
    var3 =, 1, 456)
    var4 = bb.load(var1, 0)
    var5 = bb.load(var1, 1)
    var6 = bb.add(var4, var5)
    var7 =, 0, var6)
    var8 =, 1, var1)
    opt_bb = optimize_alloc_removal(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(123, 456)
optvar2 = alloc()
optvar3 = store(optvar2, 0, optvar1)
optvar4 = store(optvar2, 1, 456)
optvar5 = store(optvar0, 1, optvar2)"""

Note that the addition is not optimized away, because the code from this blog post does not contain constant folding and the other optimizations from the last one. Combining them would not be too hard though.


That's it! The core idea of PyPy's allocation removal optimization in one or two screens of code. The real implementation has a number of refinements, but the core ideas are all here.

I'm not going to show any benchmark numbers or anything like that here, if you are interested in numbers you could look at the evaluation Section 6. "Implementation and Evaluation" of the paper that describes the work.

There's a complementary optimization that improves load and store operations for objects that are not virtual. I'll probably not write that down as another post, but Max Bernstein and I developed that together on a PyPy Twitch channel channel a few weeks ago, here's the recording:


¹ This is how PyPy uses the terminology, not really used consistently by other projects. The term "escape" is fairly standard throughout the escape analysis literature. The term "virtual" was used originally in Armin Rigo's Psyco but is e.g. also used by the paper Partial Escape Analysis and Scalar Replacement for Java.

² The order in which we put the store operations back is relying on dictionary iteration order, which is insertion order. That's not a bad ordering, we could also be explicit and sort the fields in some order (ideally the order in which the object lays them out in memory).

Implementing a Toy Optimizer

In this blog post I want to show the complete code (in Python3) of how a very simple optimizer for sequences of operations can work. These algorithms could be part of a (really simple) compiler, or a JIT. The architecture of the code in this blog post is very similar to that of the trace optimizer of the PyPy JIT: After a trace is produced, is is optimized before being sent to the machine code backend that produces binary instructions for the CPU architecture that PyPy is running on.

To get started, the first thing we need to do is define how our operations are stored. The format that a compiler uses to store the program while it is being optimized is usually called its intermediate representation (IR). Many production compilers use IRs that are in the Static Single-Assignment Form (SSA), and we will also use that. SSA form has the property that every variable is assigned to exactly once, and every variable is defined before it is used. This simplifies many things.

Let's make this concrete. If our input program is a complex expressions, such as a * (b + 17) + (b + 17) the intermediate representation of that (or at least its text representation) would maybe be something like:

var1 = add(b, 17)
var2 = mul(a, var1)
var3 = add(b, 17)
var4 = add(var2, var3)

This sequence of instructions is inefficient. The operation add(b, 17) is computed twice and we can save time by removing the second one and only computing it once. In this post I want to show an optimizer that can do this (and some related) optimizations.

Looking at the IR we notice that the input expression has been linearized into a sequence of operations, and all the intermedia results have been given unique variable names. The value that every variable is assigned is computed by the right hand side, which is some operation consisting of an operand and an arbitrary number of arguments. The arguments of an operation are either themselves variables or constants.

I will not at all talk about the process of translating the input program into the IR. Instead, I will assume we have some component that does this translation already. The tests in this blog post will construct small snippets of IR by hand. I also won't talk about what happens after the optimization (usually the optimized IR is translated into machine code).

Implementing the Intermediate Representation

Let's start modelling the intermediate representation with Python classes. First we define a base class of all values that can be used as arguments in operations, and let's also add a class that represents constants:

import pytest
from typing import Optional, Any

class Value:

class Constant(Value):
    def __init__(self, value: Any):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Constant({self.value})"

One consequence of the fact that every variable is assigned to only once is that variables are in a one-to-one correspondence with the right-hand-side of their unique assignments. That means that we don't need a class that represents variables at all. Instead, it's sufficient to have a class that represents an operation (the right-hand side), and that by definition is the same as the variable (left-hand side) that it defines:

class Operation(Value):
    def __init__(self, name: str, args: list[Value]): = name
        self.args = args

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Operation({}, {self.args})"

    def arg(self, index: int):
        return self.args[index]

Now we can instantiate these two classes to represent the example sequence of operations above:

def test_construct_example():
    # first we need something to represent
    # "a" and "b". In our limited view, we don't
    # know where they come from, so we will define
    # them with a pseudo-operation called "getarg"
    # which takes a number n as an argument and
    # returns the n-th input argument. The proper
    # SSA way to do this would be phi-nodes.

    a = Operation("getarg", [Constant(0)])
    b = Operation("getarg", [Constant(1)])
    # var1 = add(b, 17)
    var1 = Operation("add", [b, Constant(17)])
    # var2 = mul(a, var1)
    var2 = Operation("mul", [a, var1])
    # var3 = add(b, 17)
    var3 = Operation("add", [b, Constant(17)])
    # var4 = add(var2, var3)
    var4 = Operation("add", [var2, var3])

    sequence = [a, b, var1, var2, var3, var4]
    # nothing to test really, it shouldn't crash

Usually, complicated programs are represented as a control flow graph in a compiler, which represents all the possible paths that control can take while executing the program. Every node in the control flow graph is a basic block. A basic block is a linear sequence of operations with no control flow inside of it.

When optimizing a program, a compiler usually looks at the whole control flow graph of a function. However, that is still too complicated! So let's simplify further and look at only at optimizations we can do when looking at a single basic block and its sequence of instructions (they are called local optimizations).

Let's define a class representing basic blocks and let's also add some convenience functions for constructing sequences of operations, because the code in test_construct_example is a bit annoying.

class Block(list):
    def opbuilder(opname):
        def wraparg(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, Value):
                arg = Constant(arg)
            return arg
        def build(self, *args):
            # construct an Operation, wrap the
            # arguments in Constants if necessary
            op = Operation(opname,
                [wraparg(arg) for arg in args])
            # add it to self, the basic block
            return op
        return build

    # a bunch of operations we support
    add = opbuilder("add")
    mul = opbuilder("mul")
    getarg = opbuilder("getarg")
    dummy = opbuilder("dummy")
    lshift = opbuilder("lshift")

def test_convencience_block_construction():
    bb = Block()
    # a again with getarg, the following line
    # defines the Operation instance and
    # immediately adds it to the basic block bb
    a = bb.getarg(0)
    assert len(bb) == 1
    assert bb[0].name == "getarg"

    # it's a Constant
    assert bb[0].args[0].value == 0

    # b with getarg
    b = bb.getarg(1)
    # var1 = add(b, 17)
    var1 = bb.add(b, 17)
    # var2 = mul(a, var1)
    var2 = bb.mul(a, var1)
    # var3 = add(b, 17)
    var3 = bb.add(b, 17)
    # var4 = add(var2, var3)
    var4 = bb.add(var2, var3)
    assert len(bb) == 6

That's a good bit of infrastructure to make the tests easy to write. One thing we are lacking though is a way to print the basic blocks into a nicely readable textual representation. Because in the current form, the repr of a Block is very annoying, the output of pretty-printing bb in the test above looks like this:

[Operation('getarg', [Constant(0)]),
 Operation('getarg', [Constant(1)]),

It's impossible to see what is going on here, because the Operations in the basic block appear several times, once as elements of the list but then also as arguments to operations further down in the list. So we need some code that turns things back into a readable textual representation, so we have a chance to debug.

def bb_to_str(bb: Block, varprefix: str = "var"):
    # the implementation is not too important,
    # look at the test below to see what the
    # result looks like

    def arg_to_str(arg: Value):
        if isinstance(arg, Constant):
            return str(arg.value)
            # the key must exist, otherwise it's
            # not a valid SSA basic block:
            # the variable must be defined before
            # its first use
            return varnames[arg]

    varnames = {}
    res = []
    for index, op in enumerate(bb):
        # give the operation a name used while
        # printing:
        var = f"{varprefix}{index}"
        varnames[op] = var
        arguments = ", ".join(
                for i in range(len(op.args))
        strop = f"{var} = {}({arguments})"
    return "\n".join(res)

def test_basicblock_to_str():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(5, 4)
    var2 = bb.add(var1, var0)

    assert bb_to_str(bb) == """\
var0 = getarg(0)
var1 = add(5, 4)
var2 = add(var1, var0)"""

    # with a different prefix for the invented
    # variable names:
    assert bb_to_str(bb, "x") == """\
x0 = getarg(0)
x1 = add(5, 4)
x2 = add(x1, x0)"""

    # and our running example:
    bb = Block()
    a = bb.getarg(0)
    b = bb.getarg(1)
    var1 = bb.add(b, 17)
    var2 = bb.mul(a, var1)
    var3 = bb.add(b, 17)
    var4 = bb.add(var2, var3)

    assert bb_to_str(bb, "v") == """\
v0 = getarg(0)
v1 = getarg(1)
v2 = add(v1, 17)
v3 = mul(v0, v2)
v4 = add(v1, 17)
v5 = add(v3, v4)"""
    # Note the re-numbering of the variables! We
    # don't attach names to Operations at all, so
    # the printing will just number them in
    # sequence, can sometimes be a source of
    # confusion.

This is much better. Now we're done with the basic infrastructure, we can define sequences of operations and print them in a readable way. Next we need a central data structure that is used when actually optimizing basic blocks.

Storing Equivalences between Operations Using a Union-Find Data Structure

When optimizing a sequence of operations, we want to make it less costly to execute. For that we typically want to remove operations (and sometimes replace operations with less expensive ones). We can remove operations if they do redundant computation, like case of the duplicate add(v1, 17) in the example. So what we want to do is to turn the running input sequence:

v0 = getarg(0)
v1 = getarg(1)
v2 = add(v1, 17)
v3 = mul(v0, v2)
v4 = add(v1, 17)
v5 = add(v3, v4)

Into the following optimized output sequence:

optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar1, 17)
optvar3 = mul(optvar0, optvar2)
optvar4 = add(optvar3, optvar2)

We left out the second add (which defines v4), and then replaced the usage of v4 with v2 in the final operation that defines v5.

What we effectively did was discover that v2 and v4 are equivalent and then replaced v4 with v2. In general, we might discover more such equivalences, and we need a data structure to store them. A good data structure to store these equivalences is Union Find (also called Disjoint-set data structure), which stores a collection of disjoint sets. Disjoint means, that no operation can appear in more than one set. The sets in our concrete case are the sets of operations that compute the same result.

When we start out, every operation is in its own singleton set, with no other member. As we discover more equivalences, we will unify sets into larger sets of operations that all compute the same result. So one operation the data structure supports is union, to unify two sets, we'll call that make_equal_to in the code below.

The other operation the data structure supports is find, which takes an operation and returns a "representative" of the set of all equivalent operations. Two operations are in the same set, if the representative that find returns for them is the same.

The exact details of how the data structure works are only sort of important (even though it's very cool, I promise!). It's OK to skip over the implementation. We will add the data structure right into our Value, Constant and Operation classes:

class Value:
    def find(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("abstract")
    def _set_forwarded(self, value):
        raise NotImplementedError("abstract")

class Operation(Value):
    def __init__(self, name: str, args: list[Value]): = name
        self.args = args
        self.forwarded = None

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            f"{self.args}, {self.forwarded})"

    def find(self) -> Value:
        # returns the "representative" value of
        # self, in the union-find sense
        op = self
        while isinstance(op, Operation):
            # could do path compression here too
            # but not essential
            next = op.forwarded
            if next is None:
                return op
            op = next
        return op

    def arg(self, index):
        # change to above: return the
        # representative of argument 'index'
        return self.args[index].find()

    def make_equal_to(self, value: Value):
        # this is "union" in the union-find sense,
        # but the direction is important! The
        # representative of the union of Operations
        # must be either a Constant or an operation
        # that we know for sure is not optimized
        # away.


    def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
        self.forwarded = value

class Constant(Value):
    def __init__(self, value: Any):
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Constant({self.value})"

    def find(self):
        return self

    def _set_forwarded(self, value: Value):
        # if we found out that an Operation is
        # equal to a constant, it's a compiler bug
        # to find out that it's equal to another
        # constant
        assert isinstance(value, Constant) and \
            value.value == self.value

def test_union_find():
    # construct three operation, and unify them
    # step by step
    bb = Block()
    a1 = bb.dummy(1)
    a2 = bb.dummy(2)
    a3 = bb.dummy(3)

    # at the beginning, every op is its own
    # representative, that means every
    # operation is in a singleton set
    # {a1} {a2} {a3}
    assert a1.find() is a1
    assert a2.find() is a2
    assert a3.find() is a3

    # now we unify a2 and a1, then the sets are
    # {a1, a2} {a3}
    # they both return a1 as the representative
    assert a1.find() is a1
    assert a2.find() is a1
    # a3 is still different
    assert a3.find() is a3

    # now they are all in the same set {a1, a2, a3}
    assert a1.find() is a1
    assert a2.find() is a1
    assert a3.find() is a1

    # now they are still all the same, and we
    # also learned that they are the same as the
    # constant 6
    # the single remaining set then is
    # {6, a1, a2, a3}
    c = Constant(6)
    assert a1.find() is c
    assert a2.find() is c
    assert a3.find() is c

    # union with the same constant again is fine

Constant Folding

Now comes the first actual optimization, a simple constant folding pass. It will remove operations where all the arguments are constants and replace them with the constant result.

Every pass has the same structure: we go over all operations in the basic block in order and decide for each operation whether it can be removed. For the constant folding pass, we can remove all the operations with constant arguments (but we'll implement only the add case here).

I will show a buggy version of the constant folding pass first. It has a problem that is related to why we need the union-find data structure. We will fix it a bit further down.

def constfold_buggy(bb: Block) -> Block:
    opt_bb = Block()

    for op in bb:
        # basic idea: go over the list and do
        # constant folding of add where possible
        if == "add":
            arg0 = op.args[0]
            arg1 = op.args[1]
            if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and \
                    isinstance(arg1, Constant):
                # can constant-fold! that means we
                # learned a new equality, namely
                # that op is equal to a specific
                # constant
                value = arg0.value + arg1.value
                # don't need to have the operation
                # in the optimized basic block
        # otherwise the operation is not
        # constant-foldable and we put into the
        # output list
    return opt_bb

def test_constfold_simple():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(5, 4)
    var2 = bb.add(var1, var0)

    opt_bb = constfold_buggy(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(9, optvar0)"""

def test_constfold_buggy_limitation():
    # this test fails! it shows the problem with
    # the above simple constfold_buggy pass

    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    # this is folded
    var1 = bb.add(5, 4)
    # we want this folded too, but it doesn't work
    var2 = bb.add(var1, 10)
    var3 = bb.add(var2, var0)

    opt_bb = constfold_buggy(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""

Why does the test fail? The opt_bb printed output looks like this:

optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(9, 10)
optvar2 = add(optvar1, optvar0)

The problem is that when we optimize the second addition in constfold_buggy, the argument of that operation is an Operation not a Constant, so constant-folding is not applied to the second add. However, we have already learned that the argument var1 to the operation var2 is equal to Constant(9). This information is stored in the union-find data structure. So what we are missing are suitable find calls in the constant folding pass, to make use of the previously learned equalities.

Here's the fixed version:

def constfold(bb: Block) -> Block:
    opt_bb = Block()

    for op in bb:
        # basic idea: go over the list and do
        # constant folding of add where possible
        if == "add":
            # >>> changed
            arg0 = op.arg(0) # uses .find()
            arg1 = op.arg(1) # uses .find()
            # <<< end changes
            if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and \
                    isinstance(arg1, Constant):
                # can constant-fold! that means we
                # learned a new equality, namely
                # that op is equal to a specific
                # constant
                value = arg0.value + arg1.value
                # don't need to have the operation
                # in the optimized basic block
        # otherwise the operation is not
        # constant-foldable and we put into the
        # output list
    return opt_bb

def test_constfold_two_ops():
    # now it works!
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(5, 4)
    var2 = bb.add(var1, 10)
    var3 = bb.add(var2, var0)
    opt_bb = constfold(bb)

    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""

Common Subexpression Elimination

The constfold pass only discovers equalities between Operations and Constants. Let's do a second pass that also discovers equalities between Operations and other Operations.

A simple optimization that does that has this property common subexpression elimination (CSE), which will finally optimize away the problem in the introductory example code that we had above.

def cse(bb: Block) -> Block:
    # structure is the same, loop over the input,
    # add some but not all operations to the
    # output

    opt_bb = Block()

    for op in bb:
        # only do CSE for add here, but it
        # generalizes
        if == "add":
            arg0 = op.arg(0)
            arg1 = op.arg(1)
            # Check whether we have emitted the
            # same operation already
            prev_op = find_prev_add_op(
                arg0, arg1, opt_bb)
            if prev_op is not None:
                # if yes, we can optimize op away
                # and replace it with the earlier
                # result, which is an Operation
                # that was already emitted to
                # opt_bb
    return opt_bb

def eq_value(val0, val1):
    if isinstance(val0, Constant) and \
            isinstance(val1, Constant):
        # constants compare by their value
        return val0.value == val1.value
    # everything else by identity
    return val0 is val1

def find_prev_add_op(arg0: Value, arg1: Value,
        opt_bb: Block) -> Optional[Operation]:
    # Really naive and quadratic implementation.
    # What we do is walk over the already emitted
    # operations and see whether we emitted an add
    # with the current arguments already. A real
    # implementation might use a hashmap of some
    # kind, or at least only look at a limited
    # window of instructions.
    for opt_op in opt_bb:
        if != "add":
        # It's important to call arg here,
        # for the same reason why we
        # needed it in constfold: we need to
        # make sure .find() is called
        if eq_value(arg0, opt_op.arg(0)) and \
                eq_value(arg1, opt_op.arg(1)):
            return opt_op
    return None

def test_cse():
    bb = Block()
    a = bb.getarg(0)
    b = bb.getarg(1)
    var1 = bb.add(b, 17)
    var2 = bb.mul(a, var1)
    var3 = bb.add(b, 17)
    var4 = bb.add(var2, var3)

    opt_bb = cse(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar1, 17)
optvar3 = mul(optvar0, optvar2)
optvar4 = add(optvar3, optvar2)"""

Strength Reduction

Now we have one pass that replaces Operations with Constants and one that replaces Operations with previously existing Operations. Let's now do one final pass that replaces Operations by newly invented Operations, a simple strength reduction. This one will be simple.

def strength_reduce(bb: Block) -> Block:
    opt_bb = Block()
    for op in bb:
        if == "add":
            arg0 = op.arg(0)
            arg1 = op.arg(1)
            if arg0 is arg1:
                # x + x turns into x << 1
                newop = opt_bb.lshift(arg0, 1)
    return opt_bb

def test_strength_reduce():
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(var0, var0)

    opt_bb = strength_reduce(bb)

    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""

Putting Things Together

Let's combine the passes into one single pass, so that we are going over all the operations only exactly once, instead of having to look at every operation once for all the different passes.

def optimize(bb: Block) -> Block:
    opt_bb = Block()

    for op in bb:
        if == "add":
            arg0 = op.arg(0)
            arg1 = op.arg(1)

            # constant folding
            if isinstance(arg0, Constant) and \
                    isinstance(arg1, Constant):
                value = arg0.value + arg1.value

            # cse
            prev_op = find_prev_add_op(
                arg0, arg1, opt_bb)
            if prev_op is not None:

            # strength reduce:
            # x + x turns into x << 1
            if arg0 is arg1:
                newop = opt_bb.lshift(arg0, 1)

            # and while we are at it, let's do some
            # arithmetic simplification:
            # a + 0 => a
            if eq_value(arg0, Constant(0)):
            if eq_value(arg1, Constant(0)):
    return opt_bb

def test_single_pass():
    bb = Block()
    # constant folding
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(5, 4)
    var2 = bb.add(var1, 10)
    var3 = bb.add(var2, var0)

    opt_bb = optimize(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""

    # cse + strength reduction
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.getarg(1)
    var2 = bb.add(var0, var1)
    var3 = bb.add(var0, var1) # the same as var3
    var4 = bb.add(var2, 2)
    var5 = bb.add(var3, 2) # the same as var4
    var6 = bb.add(var4, var5)

    opt_bb = optimize(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar0, optvar1)
optvar3 = add(optvar2, 2)
optvar4 = lshift(optvar3, 1)"""

    # removing + 0
    bb = Block()
    var0 = bb.getarg(0)
    var1 = bb.add(16, -16)
    var2 = bb.add(var0, var1)
    var3 = bb.add(0, var2)
    var4 = bb.add(var2, var3)

    opt_bb = optimize(bb)
    assert bb_to_str(opt_bb, "optvar") == """\
optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""


That's it for now. Why is this architecture cool? From a software engineering point of view, sticking everything into a single function like in optimize above is obviously not great, and if you wanted to do this for real you would try to split the cases into different functions that are individually digestible, or even use a DSL that makes the pattern matching much more readable. But the advantage of the architecture is that it's quite efficient, it makes it possible to pack a lot of good optimizations into a single pass over a basic block.

Of course this works even better if you are in a tracing context, where everything is put into a trace, which is basically one incredibly long basic block. In a JIT context it's also quite important that the optimizer itself runs quickly.

Various other optimizations are possible in this model. I plan to write a follow-up post that show how to implement what is arguably PyPy's most important optimization.

Some Further Pointers

This post is only a short introduction and is taking some shortcuts, I wanted to also give some (non-exhaustive) pointers to more general literature about the touched topics.

The approach to CSE described here is usually can be seen as value numbering, it's normally really implemented with a hashmap though. Here's a paper that describes various styles of implementing that, even beyond a single basic block. The paper also partly takes the perspective of discovering equivalence classes of operations that compute the same result.

A technique that leans even more fully into finding equivalences between operations is using e-graphs and then applying equality saturation (this is significantly more advanced that what I described here though). A cool modern project that applies this technique is egg.

If you squint a bit, you can generally view a constant folding pass as a very simple form of Partial Evaluation: every operation that has constant arguments is constant-folded away, and the remaining ones are "residualized", i.e. put into the output program. This point of view is not super important for the current post, but will become important in the next one.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Thorsten Ball for getting me to write this and for his enthusiastic feedback. I also got great feedback from Max Bernstein, Matti Picus and Per Vogensen. A conversation with Peng Wu that we had many many years ago and that stuck with me made me keep thinking about various ways to view compiler optimizations.

How is PyPy Tested?

How is PyPy Tested?

In this post I want to give an overview of how the PyPy project does and thinks about testing. PyPy takes testing quite seriously and has done some from the start of the project. Here I want to present the different styles of tests that PyPy has, when we use them and how I think about them.


To make the blog post self-contained, I am going to start with a small overview about PyPy's architecture. If you already know what PyPy is and how it works, you can skip this section.

PyPy means "Python in Python". It is an alternative implementation of the Python language. Usually, when we speak of "Python", we can mean two different things. On the one hand it means "Python as an abstract programming language". On the other hand, the main implementation of that language is also often called "Python". To more clearly distinguish the two, the implementation is often also called "CPython", because it is an interpreter implemented in C code.

Now we can make the statement "PyPy is Python in Python" more precise: PyPy is an interpreter for Python 3.9, implemented in RPython. RPython ("Restricted Python") is a subset of Python 2, which is statically typed (using type inference, not type annotations) and can be compiled to C code. That means we can take our Python 3.9 interpreter, and compile it into a C binary that can run Python 3.9 code. The final binary behaves pretty similarly to CPython.

The main thing that makes PyPy interesting is that during the translation of our interpreter to C, a number of components are automatically inserted into the final binary. One component is a reasonably good garbage collector.

The more exciting component that is inserted into the binary is a just-in-time compiler. The insertion of this component is not fully automatic, instead it is guided by a small number of annotations in the source code of the interpreter. The effect of inserting this JIT compiler into the binary is that the resulting binary can run Python code significantly faster than CPython, in many cases. How this works is not important for the rest of the post, if you want to see an example of concretely doing that to a small interpreter you can look at this video.

PyPy Testing History

A few historical notes on the PyPy project and its relationship to testing: The PyPy project was started in 2004. At the time when the project was started, Extreme Programming and Agile Software Development were up and coming. On the methodology side, PyPy was heavily influenced by these, and started using Test-Driven Development and pair programming right from the start.

Also technologically, PyPy has been influential on testing in the Python world. Originally, PyPy had used the unittest testing framework, but pretty soon the developers got frustrated with it. Holger Krekel, one of the original developers who started PyPy, started the pytest testing framework soon afterwards.

Interpreter-Level Tests

So, how are tests for PyPy written, concretely? The tests for the interpreter are split into two different kinds, which we call "interpreter level tests" and "application level tests". The former are tests that can be used to test the objects and functions that are used in the implementation of the Python interpreter. Since the interpreter is written in Python 2, those tests are also written in Python 2, using pytest. They tend to be more on the unit test side of things. They are in files with the pattern test_*.py.

Here is an example that tests the implementation of integers (very slightly simplified):

class TestW_IntObject:

    def test_hash(self):
        w_x = W_IntObject(42)
        w_result = w_x.descr_hash(
        assert isinstance(w_result, W_IntObject)
        assert w_result.intval == 42

This test checks that if you take an object that represents integers in the Python language (using the class W_IntObject, a "wrapped integer object") with the value 42, computing the hash of that object returns another instance of the same class, also with the value 42.

These tests can be run on top of any Python 2 implementation, either CPython or PyPy. We can then test and debug the internals of the PyPy interpreter using familiar tools like indeed pytest and the Python debuggers. They can be run, because all the involved code like the tests and the class W_IntObject are just completely regular Python 2 classes that behave in the regular way when run on top of a Python interpreter.

In CPython, these tests don't really have an equivalent. They would correspond to tests that are written in C and that can test the logic of all the C functions of CPython that execute certain functionality, accessing the internals of C structs in the process. ¹

Application-Level Tests

There is also a second class of tests for the interpreter. Those are tests that don't run on the level of the implementation. Instead, they are executed by the PyPy Python interpreter, thus running on the level of the applications run by PyPy. Since the interpreter is running Python 3, the tests are also written in Python 3. They are stored in files with the pattern apptest_*.py and look like "regular" Python 3 tests. ²

Here's an example of how you could write a test equivalent to the one above:

def test_hash():
    assert hash(42) == 42

This style of test looks more "natural" and is the preferred one in cases where the test does not need to access the internals of the logic or the objects of the interpreter.

Application level tests can be run in two different ways. On the one hand, we can simply run them on CPython 3. This is very useful! Since we want PyPy to behave like CPython, running the tests that we write on CPython is useful to make sure that the tests themselves aren't wrong.

On the other hand, the main way to run these tests is on top of PyPy, itself running on top of a Python 2 implementation. This makes it possible to run the test without first bootstrapping PyPy to C. Since bootstrapping to C is a relatively slow operation (can take up to an hour) it is crucially important to be able to run tests without bootstrapping first. It also again makes it possible to debug crashes in the interpreter using the regular Python 2 debugger. Of course running tests in this way is unfortunately itself not super fast, given that they run on a stack of two different interpreters.

Application-level tests correspond quite closely to CPython's tests suite (which is using the unittest framework). Of course in CPython it is not possible to run the test suite without building the CPython binary using a C compiler. ³

So when do we write application-level tests, and when interpreter-level tests? Interpreter-level tests are necessary to test internal data structures that touch data and logic that is not directly exposed to the Python language. If that is not necessary, we try to write application-level tests. App-level tests are however by their nature always more on the integration test side of things. To be able to run the test_hash function above, many parts of PyPy need to work correctly, the parser, the bytecode compiler, the bytecode interpreter, the hash builtin, calling the __hash__ special method, etc, etc.

This observation is also true for CPython! One could argue that CPython has no unit tests at all, because in order to be able to even run the tests, most of Python needs to be in working order already, so all the tests are really implicitly integration tests.

The CPython Test Suite

We also use the CPython Test suite as a final check to see whether our interpreter correctly implements all the features of the Python language. In that sense it acts as some kind of compliance test suite that checks whether we implement the language correctly. The test suite is not perfect for this. Since it is written for CPython's purposes during its development, a lot of the tests check really specific CPython implementation details. Examples for these are tests that check that __del__ is called immediately after objects go out of scope (which only happens if you use reference counting as a garbage collection strategy, PyPy uses a different approach to garbage collection). Other examples are checking for exception error messages very explicitly. However, the CPython test suite has gotten a lot better in these regards over time, by adding support.gc_collect() calls to fix the former problem, and by marking some very specific tests with the @impl_detail decorator. Thanks to all the CPython developers who have worked on this!

In the process of re-implementing CPython's functionality and running CPython's tests suite, PyPy can often also be a good way to find bugs in CPython. While we think about the corner cases of some Python feature we occasionally find situations where CPython didn't get everything completely correct either, which we then report back.

Testing for Performance Regressions

All the tests we described so far are checking behaviour. But one of PyPy's important goals is to be a fast implementation not "just" a correct one. Some aspects of performance can be tested by regular unit tests, either application- or interpreter-level. In order to check whether some performance shortcut is taken in the interpreter, we sometimes can write tests that monkeypatch the slow default implementation to always error. Then, if the fast path is taken properly, that slow default implementation is never reached.

But we also have additional tests that test the correct interaction with the JIT explicitly. For that, we have a special style of test that checks that the JIT will produce the correct machine code for a small snippet of Python code. To make this kind of test somewhat more robust, we don't check the machine code directly, but instead the architecture independent intermediate representation that the JIT uses to produce machine code from.

As an example, here is a small test that loading the attribute of a constant global instance can be completely constant folded away:

def test_load_attr(self):
    src = '''
        class A(object):
        a = A()
        a.x = 1
        def main(n):
            i = 0
            while i < n:
                i = i + a.x
            return i
    log =, [1000])
    assert log.result == 1000
    loop, = log.loops_by_filename(self.filepath)
    assert loop.match("""
        i9 = int_lt(i5, i6)
        guard_true(i9, descr=...)
        i10 = int_add(i5, 1)
        jump(..., descr=...)

The string passed to the loop.match function is a string representation of the intermediate representation code that is generated for the while loop in the main function given in the source. The important part of that intermediate representation is that the i = i + a.x addition is optimized into an int_add(x, 1) operation. The second argument for the addition is the constant 1, because the JIT noted that the global a is a constant, and the attribute x of that instance is always 1. The test thus checks that this optimization still works.

Those tests are again more on the unit test side of things (and can thus unfortunately be a bit brittle sometimes and break). The integration test equivalent for performance is the PyPy Speed Center which tracks the performance of micro- and macro-benchmarks over time and lets us see when big performance regressions are happening. The speed center is not really an automatic test and does not produce pass/fail outcomes. Instead, it requires human judgement and intervention in order to interpret the performance changes. Having a real pass/fail mechanism is something that would be great to have but is probably quite tricky in practice.


This concludes my overview of some of the different styles of tests that we use to develop the PyPy Python interpreter.

There is a whole other set of tests for the development of the RPython language, the garbage collectors it provides as well as the code that does the automatic JIT insertion, maybe I'll cover these in a future post.


¹ CPython has the _testcapimodule.c and related modules, that are used to unit-test the C-API. However, these are still driven from Python tests using the unittest framework and wouldn't run without the Python interpreter already working.

² There is also a deprecated different way to write these tests, by putting them in the test_*.py files that interpreter level tests are using and then having a test class with the pattern class AppTest*. We haven't converted all of them to the new style yet, even though the old style is quite weird: since the test_*.py files are themselves parsed by Python 2, the tests methods in AppTest* classes need to be written in the subset of Python 3 syntax that is also valid Python 2 syntax, leading to a lot of confusion.

³ Nit-picky side-note: C interpreters are a thing! But not that widely used in practice, or only in very specific situations.

PyPy v7.3.9 security release

PyPy v7.3.9 security release

The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.9 of PyPy. This is a security release to match the recent CPython release and updates the portable pypy tarballs with bzip2 1.0.8, openssl1.1.1n, and libexpat 2.4.7. Along the way this release fixes some issues discovered after the 7.3.8 release and updates sqlite3 to 3.38.2. It includes:

  • PyPy2.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 2.7 including the stdlib for CPython 2.7.18+ (the + is for backported security updates)

  • PyPy3.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.7, including the stdlib for CPython 3.7.13. This will be the last release of PyPy3.7.

  • PyPy3.8, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.8, including the stdlib for CPython 3.8.13.

  • PyPy3.9, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.9, including the stdlib for CPython 3.9.12. We relate to this as "beta" quality. We welcome testing of this version, if you discover incompatibilities, please report them so we can gain confidence in the version.

The interpreters are based on much the same codebase, thus the multiple release. This is a micro release, all APIs are compatible with the other 7.3 releases. Highlights of the release, since the release of 7.3.8 in February 2022, include:

  • Fixed some failing stdlib tests on PyPy3.9

  • Update the bundled libexpat to 2.4.6 and sqlite3 to 3.38.2

We recommend updating. You can find links to download the v7.3.9 releases here:

We would like to thank our donors for the continued support of the PyPy project. If PyPy is not quite good enough for your needs, we are available for direct consulting work. If PyPy is helping you out, we would love to hear about it and encourage submissions to our blog via a pull request to

We would also like to thank our contributors and encourage new people to join the project. PyPy has many layers and we need help with all of them: PyPy and RPython documentation improvements, tweaking popular modules to run on PyPy, or general help with making RPython's JIT even better. Since the 7.3.7 release, we have accepted contributions from 6 new contributors, thanks for pitching in, and welcome to the project!

If you are a python library maintainer and use C-extensions, please consider making a HPy / CFFI / cppyy version of your library that would be performant on PyPy. In any case both cibuildwheel and the multibuild system support building wheels for PyPy.

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a Python interpreter, a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. It's fast (PyPy and CPython 3.7.4 performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.

We also welcome developers of other dynamic languages to see what RPython can do for them.

This PyPy release supports:

  • x86 machines on most common operating systems (Linux 32/64 bits, Mac OS X 64 bits, Windows 64 bits, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

  • 64-bit ARM machines running Linux. A shoutout to Huawei for sponsoring the VM running the tests.

  • s390x running Linux

  • big- and little-endian variants of PPC64 running Linux,

PyPy support Windows 32-bit, PPC64 big- and little-endian, and ARM 32 bit, but does not release binaries. Please reach out to us if you wish to sponsor releases for those platforms.

Known Issues with PyPy3.9

  • We slightly modified the concurrent future's ProcessExcecutorPool to start all the worker processes when the first task is received (like on Python3.8) to avoid an apparent race condition when using fork and threads (issue 3650).

What else is new?

For more information about the 7.3.9 release, see the full changelog.

Please update, and continue to help us make PyPy better.

Cheers, The PyPy team

PyPy v7.3.8: release of python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9

PyPy v7.3.8: release of python 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9-beta

The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.8 of PyPy. It has been only a few months since our last release, but we have some nice speedups and bugfixes we wish to share. The release includes four different interpreters:

  • PyPy2.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 2.7 including the stdlib for CPython 2.7.18+ (the + is for backported security updates)

  • PyPy3.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.7, including the stdlib for CPython 3.7.12. This will be the last release of PyPy3.7.

  • PyPy3.8, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.8, including the stdlib for CPython 3.8.12. This is our third release of this interpreter, and we are removing the "beta" tag.

  • PyPy3.9, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.9, including the stdlib for CPython 3.9.10. As this is our first release of this interpreter, we relate to this as "beta" quality. We welcome testing of this version, if you discover incompatibilities, please report them so we can gain confidence in the version.

The interpreters are based on much the same codebase, thus the multiple release. This is a micro release, all APIs are compatible with the other 7.3 releases. Highlights of the release, since the release of 7.3.7 in late October 2021, include:

  • PyPy3.9 uses an RPython version of the PEG parser which brought with it a cleanup of the lexer and parser in general

  • Fixed a regression in PyPy3.8 when JITting empty list comprehensions

  • Tweaked some issues around changing the file layout after packaging to make the on-disk layout of PyPy3.8 more compatible with CPython. This requires setuptools>=58.1.0

  • RPython now allows the target executable to have a . in its name, so PyPy3.9 will produce a pypy3.9-c and Changing the name of the shared object to be version-specific (it used to be will allow it to live alongside other versions.

  • Building PyPy3.9+ accepts a --platlibdir argument like CPython.

  • Improvement in ssl's use of CFFI buffers to speed up recv and recvinto

  • Update the packaged OpenSSL to 1.1.1m

We recommend updating. You can find links to download the v7.3.8 releases here:

We would like to thank our donors for the continued support of the PyPy project. If PyPy is not quite good enough for your needs, we are available for direct consulting work. If PyPy is helping you out, we would love to hear about it and encourage submissions to our blog via a pull request to

We would also like to thank our contributors and encourage new people to join the project. PyPy has many layers and we need help with all of them: PyPy and RPython documentation improvements, tweaking popular modules to run on PyPy, or general help with making RPython's JIT even better. Since the previous release, we have accepted contributions from 6 new contributors, thanks for pitching in, and welcome to the project!

If you are a python library maintainer and use C-extensions, please consider making a HPy / CFFI / cppyy version of your library that would be performant on PyPy. In any case both cibuildwheel and the multibuild system support building wheels for PyPy.

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a Python interpreter, a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9. It's fast (PyPy and CPython 3.7.4 performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.

We also welcome developers of other dynamic languages to see what RPython can do for them.

This PyPy release supports:

  • x86 machines on most common operating systems (Linux 32/64 bits, Mac OS X 64 bits, Windows 64 bits, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

  • 64-bit ARM machines running Linux. A shoutout to Huawei for sponsoring the VM running the tests.

  • s390x running Linux

  • big- and little-endian variants of PPC64 running Linux,

PyPy support Windows 32-bit, PPC64 big- and little-endian, and ARM 32 bit, but does not release binaries. Please reach out to us if you wish to sponsor releases for those platforms.

Known Issues with PyPy3.9

  • There is still a known speed regression around **kwargs handling

  • We slightly modified the concurrent future's ProcessExcecutorPool to start all the worker processes when the first task is received (like on Python3.8) to avoid an apparent race condition when using fork and threads (issue 3650).

What else is new?

For more information about the 7.3.8 release, see the full changelog.

Please update, and continue to help us make PyPy better.

Cheers, The PyPy team

Natural Language Processing for Icelandic with PyPy: A Case Study

Natural Language Processing for Icelandic with PyPy: A Case Study

Icelandic is one of the smallest languages of the world, with about 370.000 speakers. It is a language in the Germanic family, most similar to Norwegian, Danish and Swedish, but closer to the original Old Norse spoken throughout Scandinavia until about the 14th century CE.

As with other small languages, there are worries that the language may not survive in a digital world, where all kinds of fancy applications are developed first - and perhaps only - for the major languages. Voice assistants, chatbots, spelling and grammar checking utilities, machine translation, etc., are increasingly becoming staples of our personal and professional lives, but if they don’t exist for Icelandic, Icelanders will gravitate towards English or other languages where such tools are readily available.

Iceland is a technology-savvy country, with world-leading adoption rates of the Internet, PCs and smart devices, and a thriving software industry. So the government figured that it would be worthwhile to fund a 5-year plan to build natural language processing (NLP) resources and other infrastructure for the Icelandic language. The project focuses on collecting data and developing open source software for a range of core applications, such as tokenization, vocabulary lookup, n-gram statistics, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, spelling and grammar checking, neural language models and speech processing.

My name is Vilhjálmur Þorsteinsson, and I’m the founder and CEO of a software startup Miðeind in Reykjavík, Iceland, that employs 10 software engineers and linguists and focuses on NLP and AI for the Icelandic language. The company participates in the government’s language technology program, and has contributed significantly to the program’s core tools (e.g., a tokenizer and a parser), spelling and grammar checking modules, and a neural machine translation stack.

When it came to a choice of programming languages and development tools for the government program, the requirements were for a major, well supported, vendor-and-OS-agnostic FOSS platform with a large and diverse community, including in the NLP space. The decision to select Python as a foundational language for the project was a relatively easy one. That said, there was a bit of trepidation around the well known fact that CPython can be slow for inner-core tasks, such as tokenization and parsing, that can see heavy workloads in production.

I first became aware of PyPy in early 2016 when I was developing a crossword game Netskrafl in Python 2.7 for Google App Engine. I had a utility program that compressed a dictionary into a Directed Acyclic Word Graph and was taking 160 seconds  to run on CPython 2.7, so I tried PyPy and to my amazement saw a 4x speedup (down to 38 seconds), with literally no effort besides downloading the PyPy runtime.

This led me to select PyPy as the default Python interpreter for my company’s Python development efforts as well as for our production websites and API servers, a role in which it remains to this day. We have followed PyPy’s upgrades along the way, being just about to migrate our minimally required language version from 3.6 to 3.7.

In NLP, speed and memory requirements can be quite important for software usability. On the other hand, NLP logic and algorithms are often complex and challenging to program, so programmer productivity and code clarity are also critical success factors. A pragmatic approach balances these factors, avoids premature optimization and seeks a careful compromise between maximal run-time efficiency and minimal programming and maintenance effort.

Turning to our use cases, our Icelandic text tokenizer "Tokenizer" is fairly light, runs tight loops and performs a large number of small, repetitive operations. It runs very well on PyPy’s JIT and has not required further optimization.

Our Icelandic parser Greynir (known on PyPI as reynir) is, if I may say so myself, a piece of work. It parses natural language text according to a hand-written context-free grammar, using an Earley-type algorithm as enhanced by Scott and Johnstone. The CFG contains almost 7,000 nonterminals and 6,000 terminals, and the parser handles ambiguity as well as left, right and middle recursion. It returns a packed parse forest for each input sentence, which is then pruned by a scoring heuristic down to a single best result tree.

This parser was originally coded in pure Python and turned out to be unusably slow when run on CPython - but usable on PyPy, where it was 3-4x faster. However, when we started applying it to heavier production workloads, it  became apparent that it needed to be faster still. We then proceeded to convert the innermost Earley parsing loop from Python to tight C++ and to call it from PyPy via CFFI, with callbacks for token-terminal matching functions (“business logic”) that remained on the Python side. This made the parser much faster (on the order of 100x faster than the original on CPython) and quick enough for our production use cases. Even after moving much of the heavy processing to C++ and using CFFI, PyPy still gives a significant speed boost over CPython.

Connecting C++ code with PyPy proved to be quite painless using CFFI, although we had to figure out a few magic incantations in our build module to make it compile smoothly during setup from source on Windows and MacOS in addition to Linux. Of course, we build binary PyPy and CPython wheels for the most common targets so most users don’t have to worry about setup requirements.

With the positive experience from the parser project, we proceeded to take a similar approach for two other core NLP packages: our compressed vocabulary package BinPackage (known on PyPI as islenska) and our trigrams database package Icegrams. These packages both take large text input (3.1 million word forms with inflection data in the vocabulary case; 100 million tokens in the trigrams case) and compress it into packed binary structures. These structures are then memory-mapped at run-time using mmap and queried via Python functions with a lookup time in the microseconds range. The low-level data structure navigation is done in C++, called from Python via CFFI. The ex-ante preparation, packing, bit-fiddling and data structure generation is fast enough with PyPy, so we haven’t seen a need to optimize that part further.

To showcase our tools, we host public (and open source) websites such as for our parsing, named entity recognition and query stack and for our spell and grammar checking stack. The server code on these sites is all Python running on PyPy using Flask, wrapped in gunicorn and hosted on nginx. The underlying database is PostgreSQL accessed via SQLAlchemy and psycopg2cffi. This setup has served us well for 6 years and counting, being fast, reliable and having helpful and supporting communities.

As can be inferred from the above, we are avid fans of PyPy and commensurately thankful for the great work by the PyPy team over the years. PyPy has enabled us to use Python for a larger part of our toolset than CPython alone would have supported, and its smooth integration with C/C++ through CFFI has helped us attain a better tradeoff between performance and programmer productivity in our projects. We wish for PyPy a great and bright future and also look forward to exciting related developments on the horizon, such as HPy.

Error Message Style Guides of Various Languages

Error Message Style Guides of Various Languages

PyPy has been trying to produce good SyntaxErrors and other errors for a long time. CPython has also made an enormous push to improve its SyntaxErrors in the last few releases. These improvements are great, but the process feels somewhat arbitrary sometimes. To see what other languages are doing, I asked people on Twitter whether they know of error message style guides for other programming languages.

Wonderfully, people answered me with lots of helpful links (full list at the end of the post), thank you everybody! All those sources are very interesting and contain many great points, I recommend reading them directly! In this post, I'll try to summarize some common themes or topics that I thought were particularly interesting.

Language Use

Almost all guides stress the need for plain and simple English, as well as conciseness and clarity [Flix, Racket, Rust, Flow]. Flow suggests to put coding effort into making the grammar correct, for example in the case of plurals or to distinguish between "a" and "an".

The suggested tone should be friendly and neutral, the messages should not blame the Programmer [Flow]. Rust and Flix suggest to not use the term 'illegal' and use something like 'invalid' instead.

Flow suggests to avoid "compiler speak". For example terms like 'token' and 'identifier' should be avoided and terms that are more familiar to programmers be used (eg "name" is better). The Racket guide goes further and has a list of allowed technical terms and some prohibited terms.


Several guides (such as Flix and Flow) point out a 80/20 rule: 80% of the times an error message is read, the developer knows that message well and knows exactly what to do. For this use case it's important that the message is short. On the other hand, 20% of the times this same message will have to be understood by a developer who has never seen it before and is confused, and so the message needs to contain enough information to allow them to find out what is going on. So the error message needs to strike a balance between brevity and clarity.

The Racket guide proposes to use the following general structure for errors: 'State the constraint that was violated ("expected a"), followed by what was found instead.'

The Rust guides says to avoid "Did you mean?" and questions in general, and wants the compiler to instead be explicit about why something was suggested. The example the Rust guide gives is: 'Compare "did you mean: Foo" vs. "there is a struct with a similar name: Foo".' Racket goes further and forbids suggestions altogether because "Students will follow well‐meaning‐but‐wrong advice uncritically, if only because they have no reason to doubt the authoritative voice of the tool."

Formatting and Source Positions

The Rust guide suggests to put all identifiers into backticks (like in Markdown), Flow formats the error messages using full Markdown.

The Clang, Flow and Rust guides point out the importance of using precise source code spans to point to errors, which is especially important if the compiler information is used in the context of an IDE to show a red squiggly underline or some other highlighting. The spans should be as small as possible to point out the source of the error [Flow].


I am quite impressed how advanced and well-thought out the approaches are. I wonder whether it would makes sense for Python to adopt a (probably minimal, to get started) subset of these ideas as guidelines for its own errors.


PyPy v7.3.7: bugfix release of python 3.7 and 3.8

PyPy v7.3.7: bug-fix release of 3.7, 3.8

We are releasing a PyPy 7.3.7 to fix the recent 7.3.6 release's binary incompatibility with the previous 7.3.x releases. We mistakenly added fields to PyFrameObject and PyDateTime_CAPI that broke the promise of binary compatibility, which means that c-extension wheels compiled for 7.3.5 will not work with 7.3.6 and via-versa. Please do not use 7.3.6.

We have added a cursory test for binary API breakage to the repo which hopefully will prevent such mistakes in the future.

Additionally, a few smaller bugs were fixed:

  • Use uint for the request argument of fcntl.ioctl (issue 3568)

  • Fix incorrect tracing of while True` body in 3.8 (issue 3577)

  • Properly close resources when using a conncurrent.futures.ProcessPool (issue 3317)

  • Fix the value of LIBDIR in _sysconfigdata in 3.8 (issue 3582)

You can find links to download the v7.3.7 releases here:

We would like to thank our donors for the continued support of the PyPy project. If PyPy is not quite good enough for your needs, we are available for direct consulting work. If PyPy is helping you out, we would love to hear about it and encourage submissions to our blog site via a pull request to

We would also like to thank our contributors and encourage new people to join the project. PyPy has many layers and we need help with all of them: PyPy and RPython documentation improvements, tweaking popular modules to run on PyPy, or general help with making RPython's JIT even better.

If you are a python library maintainer and use C-extensions, please consider making a CFFI / cppyy version of your library that would be performant on PyPy. In any case both cibuildwheel and the multibuild system support building wheels for PyPy.

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a Python interpreter, a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7, 3.7, and 3.8. It's fast (PyPy and CPython 3.7.4 performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.

We also welcome developers of other dynamic languages to see what RPython can do for them.

This PyPy release supports:

  • x86 machines on most common operating systems (Linux 32/64 bits, Mac OS X 64 bits, Windows 64 bits, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

  • 64-bit ARM machines running Linux.

  • s390x running Linux

PyPy does support ARM 32 bit and PPC64 processors, but does not release binaries.

PyPy v7.3.6: release of python 2.7, 3.7, and 3.8

PyPy v7.3.6: release of python 2.7, 3.7, and 3.8-beta

The PyPy team is proud to release version 7.3.6 of PyPy, which includes three different interpreters:

  • PyPy2.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 2.7 including the stdlib for CPython 2.7.18+ (the + is for backported security updates)

  • PyPy3.7, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.7, including the stdlib for CPython 3.7.12.

  • PyPy3.8, which is an interpreter supporting the syntax and the features of Python 3.8, including the stdlib for CPython 3.8.12. Since this is our first release of the interpreter, we relate to this as "beta" quality. We welcome testing of this version, if you discover incompatibilites, please report them so we can gain confidence in the version.

The interpreters are based on much the same codebase, thus the multiple release. This is a micro release, all APIs are compatible with the other 7.3 releases. Highlights of the release, since the release of 7.3.5 in May 2021, include:

  • We have merged a backend for HPy, the better C-API interface. The backend implements HPy version 0.0.3.

  • Translation of PyPy into a binary, known to be slow, is now about 40% faster. On a modern machine, PyPy3.8 can translate in about 20 minutes.

  • PyPy Windows 64 is now available on conda-forge, along with nearly 700 commonly used binary packages. This new offering joins the more than 1000 conda packages for PyPy on Linux and macOS. Many thanks to the conda-forge maintainers for pushing this forward over the past 18 months.

  • Speed improvements were made to io, sum, _ssl and more. These were done in response to user feedback.

  • The 3.8 version of the release contains a beta-quality improvement to the JIT to better support compiling huge Python functions by breaking them up into smaller pieces.

  • The release of Python3.8 required a concerted effort. We were greatly helped by @isidentical (Batuhan Taskaya) and other new contributors.

  • The 3.8 package now uses the same layout as CPython, and many of the PyPy-specific changes to sysconfig, distutils.sysconfig, and have been removed. The stdlib now is located in <base>/lib/pypy3.8 on posix systems, and in <base>/Lib on Windows. The include files on windows remain the same. On posix they are in <base>/include/pypy3.8. Note we still use the pypy prefix to prevent mixing the files with CPython (which uses python.

We recommend updating. You can find links to download the v7.3.6 releases here:

We would like to thank our donors for the continued support of the PyPy project. If PyPy is not quite good enough for your needs, we are available for direct consulting work. If PyPy is helping you out, we would love to hear about it and encourage submissions to our blog via a pull request to

We would also like to thank our contributors and encourage new people to join the project. PyPy has many layers and we need help with all of them: PyPy and RPython documentation improvements, tweaking popular modules to run on PyPy, or general help with making RPython's JIT even better. Since the previous release, we have accepted contributions from 7 new contributors, thanks for pitching in, and welcome to the project!

If you are a python library maintainer and use C-extensions, please consider making a CFFI / cppyy version of your library that would be performant on PyPy. In any case both cibuildwheel and the multibuild system support building wheels for PyPy.

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a Python interpreter, a drop-in replacement for CPython 2.7, 3.7, and soon 3.8. It's fast (PyPy and CPython 3.7.4 performance comparison) due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.

We also welcome developers of other dynamic languages to see what RPython can do for them.

This PyPy release supports:

  • x86 machines on most common operating systems (Linux 32/64 bits, Mac OS X 64 bits, Windows 64 bits, OpenBSD, FreeBSD)

  • big- and little-endian variants of PPC64 running Linux,

  • s390x running Linux

  • 64-bit ARM machines running Linux.

PyPy does support Windows 32-bit and ARM 32 bit processors, but does not release binaries. Please reach out to us if you wish to sponsor releases for those platforms.

What else is new?

For more information about the 7.3.6 release, see the full changelog.

Please update, and continue to help us make PyPy better.

Cheers, The PyPy team